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Strategic Foresight

This guide aims to be a collection of useful readings about foresight, with best practices from all across the world and insights into specific techniques and methodologies.

Strategic Foresight



is the discipline of exploring, anticipating and shaping the future to help building and using collective intelligence in a structured, and systemic way to anticipate developments.

Strategic foresight

 seeks to embed foresight into European Union policy-making. It builds on collective intelligence in a structured and systematic way to help better develop possible transition pathways, prepare the EU to withstand shocks and shape the future we want.






The CoR Documentation Centre

has the pleasure to share with you

the following readings in connection to strategic foresight.

Click on the tabs at the left side to access the reading lists for each topic.

Please feel free to ask us questions and send your suggestions or requests for further readings to

Our list of subscriptions is available here, on the CoR Intranet page dedicated to the Library.


Best regards,


Documentation Centre

Unit AI - Foresight, strategic planning, inter-institutional relations