Study on the critical raw materials for the EU 2023The study presents the results of the fifth technical assessment 2023 of critical raw materials for the EU. The assessment screens 70 candidate raw materials comprising 67 individual materials and three materials groups: ten heavy (HREEs) and five light (LREEs) rare earth elements, and five platinum-group metals (PGMs), 87 individual raw materials in total. Four new materials have been assessed: neon, krypton, xenon and roundwood. Titanium metal has been assessed in addition to titanium. Aluminium and bauxite have been merged for consistency reasons. For comparison, 41 candidate materials have been screened in 2011, 54 in 2014, 61 in 2017, and 66 in 2020.
EC DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, 2023