The CoR Documentation Centre, the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) and the EU Publications Office
have the pleasure to share with you the following readings in connection to the European Summit of Regions and Cities (3-4 March 2022).
Just click on the tabs on the left side to access the suggested readings for each topic on the agenda.
Please feel free to ask questions, share your suggestions or request further readings at
Furthermore, to access contents in your field, please take a look at:
GoodRead, our online catalogue, which gives you access to thousands of readings in your field.
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Do you have some ideas on how to improve the Reading Toolkit? Please share them with us by completing our short survey. Your feedback is very important to us and will better equip us to improve the next edition! Thank you!
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The Documentation Centre's team
Unit A1 – Services to Members
Directorate A – Members, Plenaries, Strategy